Sarah Bomhoff

I am a freshman Missional Ministries and Psychology major at Bethel University. I like hearing people’s stories and making them feel seen, taking impactful photos, and sharing important stories. I also like making spontaneous podcasts, iced honey lattes and editing my friends' papers. I want to tell stories about people who often go unseen.

Worship isn’t reserved for Vespers

Joshua Hahn played piano in a room of seven people. Coming and going when they wished, Bethel University students got a taste of one-on-one worship with the Lord. Students listened  while they sat praying with their eyes closed, singing their own song or reading their Bibles. This was the start of an alternative to Friday night campus events — Prayer Room.
The first Prayer Room took place in the Lakeside Center Chapel at 6 p.m. Sept. 15. Led by Hahn, the United leaders team created this weekly F...

Pinching pennies: On versus off-campus affordability

Upperclassmen have four different housing options: live off campus with their parents, live off campus with friends or live on campus in North Village or suite-style housing.
Matthew Berezowski is a junior business major who lives in a house in Roseville. Berezowski makes the seven-minute commute to campus every day, and as a member of the hockey team, he also commutes to practices and games off campus.
Berezowski spends between eight and nine hours on campus everyday, but he then returns home t...

Johnson’s final game epitomizes legacy

[Editor’s note: The headline has been changed for clarity]
Six NCAA Division III national championship flags pointed northeast as the orange streamers above each field goal post at Perkins Stadium in Whitewater, Wisconsin fluttered in the 13-mile-per-hour wind Saturday.
The Bethel University Royals made the nearly five-hour drive to take on the fifth nationally ranked University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhawks in the first round of the Division III football playoffs. The Royals lost 42-14, fini...

A faith found outside the home

Editor’s note: This story mentions an eating disorder.
Danielle Buckenmeyer turned to her desk neighbor Jonah at the prompt of their seventh-grade teacher. It was a Monday, and they were told to share what they did over the weekend. 
“I went to church yesterday,” Jonah said. 
A simple statement, but Buckenmeyer didn’t believe him. 
“I laughed and was like, ‘What? That’s not real,’” Buckenmeyer said. “‘You know that’s just in movies.’”
But in an atheist household in downtown Portland, Oregon – th...


Who is your Bethel crush?

As Bethel University students spend time on campus, they can’t help but keep their eyes peeled for a potential partner. Whether it be strolling through the halls, eating a meal at the Monson Dining Center, or spotting someone across Benson Great Hall at Vespers, these students have someone that tickles their fancy.

Some students claimed that they don’t have a Bethel crush, however, some didn’t hesitate to describe their person of interest.

“What’s even better than he

Justy LaRue: Resident Director and beyond

Bethel University Resident Director, Justy LaRue comes back to campus to do what he loves: Making college an experience that people can enjoy

Justy LaRue stepped back onto Bethel University’s campus during the first week of the fall 2023 semester. Just a few weeks prior, he accepted the position to be the Resident Director of Heritage Hall.

Having a natural interest in art, LaRue graduated from Bethel in 2019 with a degree in graphic design. However, he quickly realized that a job in that fiel

A future for their children — Textura 2024

Murti crouches in the dirt, eye-level with the green hay that she chops with a sickle. Her practiced hand effectively swipes through bunches of the thin stalks while her sister Roshni cuts down mustard plant to make into oil.

Every day Murti, 64, and Roshni, 62, walk 15 minutes to their field outside of Titram to collect barshim as fodder for their four water buffalo. Along with the commercial wheat field adjacent to the barshim, the sisters sell milk from their buffalo as a source of income.

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